
West Bengal Banglarbhumi Khatian & Plot Information at banglarbhumi.gov.in

West Bengal Banglarbhumi Khatian & Plot Information at banglarbhumi.gov.in:8080/LRWEB/ or banglarbhumi.gov.in/eDSS/LrInfoNavigation.action Banglarbhumi 2020 : West Bengal is the leader in land reforms in the country (west bengal land records department). The State has distributed 23% of the whole land distributed in the country and to 53% of the beneficiaries vis-a-vis in all other States. West Bengal has recorded more than 15 lakh Bargadars /Share croppers, which has not been done anywhere else in the country, and has distributed homestead land to more than 5.6 lakh beneficiaries. There are more than 30 lakh patta holders in the State (banglarbhumi gov 8080 lrweb landinfo help).

Banglarbhumi.gov.in Khatian & Plot Information :

visit Official website : http://banglarbhumi.gov.in/
CLick on "KNow your Property".
Direct link : http://banglarbhumi.gov.in/eDSS/LrInfoNavigation.action
1. Select YOur District, BLock and Mouza.
2. After option will display like search by Khatian or Search by Plot.
3. if select one, what your searching here.
4. Enter Khantian or plot, click on "submit".
5. And check your details.

How to Banglarbhumi.gov.in Khatian plot mouza Identification Search (know your property):

Banglarbhumi 2020 Khatian plot searching before , first of all Select of District,
Block means : District name / Block name is displayed in (color’s indicates)
"Green" color means Centrally Co-Located live data.
"Blue" color means Legacy Data.
"Black" means No Data available.
How to For Search by Khatian no./Plot no of Banglarbhumi west Bengal :
Here we go , If khatian no./ Plot no. is in the form as '99999/99', then put '99999'(First portion of khatian no./plot no.) in the box before the slash ('/') and put '99'(Second portion of khatian no./plot no.) in the box after slash('/').

e.g.- If khatian/ Plot no. is '495/1' then put '495' in the box before('/') and '01' in the box after slash('/').
Otherewise,If khatian no./Plot no. is in the form as '99999' (Without any slash '/'), then put whole khatian no./plot no. in the box before the slash '/'
e.g.- If khatian/Plot no. is '49501' i.e without any slash('/') then put '49501' in the box before the slash('/').
CC indicates Court Case against the Plot of a Khatian.

Note : here Message means  "No Record Found" means record is either not available or invalid entry.

directorate of land records and surveys west bengal khatian & plot information in West Bengal state, famous portal Banglarbhumi Land & Land Reforms department has provide the state land records of Mutation Application, Mutation case status, Khatian & Plot Information, Ror (Khatian) / Plot Information, Certified Copies of Mauza Maps through the state Banglarbhumi website bangalrbhumi.gov.in 2018.

Check Banglarbhumi.gov.in Khatian & Plot Information mouza Map :

Banglarbhumi Map made easier for the people of the West Bengal to get the khatian and plot information about land reforms.Where you must know Land classification, plot map (mouza map), Plot surround details etc.

What is Banglarbhumi Mauza map :

A mouza map Which belongs to wb state is very important as it comprises the boundaries of all land parcels and contains methodically arranged information line the ownership, land use and area details etc in that State.

banglarbhumi.gov.in khatian & plot information map :

Visit official website : http://banglarbhumi.gov.in/eDSS/indexAction.action

Goto Citizen service, where select "Mouza Identificationমৌজা পরিচিতি” .
goto "know your property" and where given your জেলা (District), ব্লক (Block) amd মৌজা (Mouza ).
finally Select "search by khatian or plot no", the image as given below.

How to Check Banglarbhumi RS-LR plot Information :

The Department of Land & Land Reforms, Government of West Bengal through the Directorate of Land Records & Surveys maintains and updates mauza maps (Cadastral Maps) and Records of Rights for over 42,000 mauzas in the State. Due to operationalisation of all blocks in the state, Certified Copies of Records in pre-printed stationary are being serviced quickly from BL&LRO offices.

banglarbhumi RS-LR Plot Information :

Visit official of banglarbhumi west bengal :

Enter your "Mouza Identification".
Select your District, Block and Mouza.
And select Sabek Dag -> Hal Dag(LR PLot No.) or Hal Dag -> Sabek Dag(RS PLot No.)
Click On "Submit".
And Also check your Mouza Identification Mauza Maps.

Check Banglarbhumi Land Classification (know your Property):

here we are discussing about Land Classification which means banglarbhumi valuation of land, this option will be available at Citizen services , in that sub menu of Land Classification option will display. To know your Land Classification, click on option and first select your district that all. immediately one box will display.

1. Land Classification in select district , To know YOur property Land Classification Code and Classification of land as shown in box.

Check Banglarbhumi.gov.in Mutation Case Status Search :

Actually People can check Banglarbhumi Mutation Case Status of any mutation case status in west bengal details Here.Some people says, How to know what is mutation of a property then let me enlighten you.this simple Process we have To mention here:
Actually what is banglarbhumi.gov.in mutation, it means Mutation is the change of ownership when a property is transferred or sold from one person to another. When a property is mutated, then the new owner gets the property changed to his name in the land and revenue department and the government can now charge property tax from the new owner. The process and the fee payable can vary from state to state.by searching Banglarbhumi mutation of land in west bengal online Officially.

Banglarbhumi Mutation Case Status Search procedure:

Visit official website of : Mutation case wise Deed wise search

Or visit official webpage , Click on Mutation Case Status on the submenu of Citizen Services

Where two more option displayed on screen.
 Mutation Case Wise Search & Deed Wise Search
If we follow case wise search , then select the district, block, Mouza, case number and click on submit button.
If we follow deed wise search , then click on deed wise search and enter the deed no and deed year and click on submit.
The result will be displayed which will show the status of the mutation case.
These are the procedure to search Banglarbhumi Mutation Case Status Search.

what is Mutation of Names, why it is in the R.O.R.s under section 50 of WBLR Act, 1955 :
Actually Mutation namely three types that is :
Transfer by sale, gift or hebanama
Exchange and

Components of Land Reforms
1. Detection & Vesting of Ceiling Surplus Land.
2. Distribution of Vested lands among the landless peasants.
3. Acquisition of Homestead land and its assignment among homeless rural poor.
4. Providing protection to sharecroppers by recording their names.
5. Continuous Maintenance & Updating of Record of Rights & Maps.
6. Public Service for Record of Rights & Maps.

For more details visit official website of banglarbhumi 2018 West Bengal :http://banglarbhumi.gov.in/.

Conclusion : here we discussing about Banglarbhumi.gov.in Khatian & Plot Information 2018, Banglarbhumi.gov.in Khatian & Plot mouza Map, Banglarbhumi RS-LR plot Information and Finally how to Banglarbhumi.gov.in Mutation Case Status Search.